Iterate Growth

User acquisition


new ventures



Typical engagements involve formulating go to market strategies, executing user acquisition efforts and recommending marketing / ad tech solutions for clients.

Iterate Growth helps new ventures validate product-market fit and growth through iterative marketing campaigns.

The process:

1) Formulate a hypothesis

2) Design an experiment

3) Run the Experiment

4) Evaluate the Data

5) Repeat

We also offer enterprise education services covering contemporary agile marketing practices.


Consultant HISTORY

Iterate Growth is led by Kenneth To. Previously, he was the head of growth at Solve Growth, an user acquisition and growth marketing consultancy that worked primarily with new ventures. Prior to Solve, Kenneth was a data scientist at Company Laboratory (dba colab / grolab) - a venture studio based out of Los Angeles. Kenneth also co-founded Saigon Social - one of the first social influencer agencies in Southeast Asia. He began his career in mergers and acquisitions followed by a tenure of business development for private equity firms.


Kenneth attended graduate school at Northwestern University (integrated marketing communications / marketing analytics) and undergraduate at Babson College (applied statistics). He also completed Galvanize’s full-stack software development program (focused on Ruby on Rails and JavaScript).


How iterate growth is different

Marketing historically has followed a waterfall methodology. An annual planning meeting leads to resource allocation for various marketing channels. This process doesn’t work for corporate new ventures or start-ups.

Unknowns for new ventures include:

  • Product-Market Fit

  • Customer Acquisition Costs

An agile and iterative approach towards marketing alleviates these problems. Product-market fit is validated first through experiments. Once product-market fit is identified, we proceed towards validating customer acquisition costs relative to sales and gross margins.

Along the way, the data leads us to either to continue iterating on marketing or changing product or service offerings. This leads to the answer of how is Iterate Growth different:

  1. We don’t assume product-market fit exists for a new venture

  2. If things don’t change, we either change the marketing strategy or we suggest product and service offering changes

  3. We actively suggest to our clients to stop if there doesn’t seem to viable path for a new venture

Iterate Growth is not a branding agency, metrics like reach for marketing campaigns don’t matter to us. The only thing that matters is determining whether a business model is viable through running experiments associated with the costs of acquiring customers. In the scenario where a viable model exists, we work towards improving growth.

If this sounds compelling, contact Kenneth To on LinkedIn.